AI Video Avatar

Enhance your course with an AI Video Avatar! This guide will demonstrate various ways to add an AI Video Avatar to your content: through the sidebar, toolbar, by typing "/avatar", or by simply highlighting text in the Activity Editor.

How to Generate an AI Video Avatar? 


1. Insert an AI Video Avatar by dragging and dropping from the sidebar

  • Click the "+" button on the right sidebar



  • Drag and drop the "AI Video Avatar" block



  • Add a script by typing in the text box 
    • Note: The default limit is currently 4,000 words



  • Press "Enter" on your keyboard, or click the arrow to generate the AI Video Avatar
    • Note: This may take a few moments depending on the length of your script



  • The generated video will populate in the Activity Editor 



  • Click to play



  • Click the more menu to Download, adjust Playback speed, and watch Picture-in-picture



2. Insert an AI Video Avatar from the Activity Editor's toolbar 

  • Click the "+" button from the toolbar



  • Click "AI Avatar Video"



3. Insert an AI Avatar Video with the "/" function

  • Type "/avatar"
  • Click "AI Avatar Video"



4. Generate an AI Video Avatar by highlighting text in the Activity Editor

  • Highlight the text you want to use as the script for the AI Video Avatar
  • Click "Generate Video Avatar" in the toolbar that populates once text is highlighted