Console (Python)

The purpose of this Article is to describe the Python Console available in the Activity Editor

How to open/close the Console in Small view mode and in Full-screen mode? Untitled design (69)

  1. Click on the icon with an up arrow in the lower right corner of the screen > The console opened in small view mode in the lower part of the screen. The up arrow icon has changed to a down arrow icon Untitled design (70)

  2. Click on the icon with a down arrow > The console opened in full screen Untitled design (28)

  3. Click on the icon with two oppositely directed arrows > The console moved to the lower part of the screen and displays opened

  4. Pressing the "X" icon in small-view mode and in full-screen mode closes the console

How to Change the height of the console and change the width of code and output blocks?

  1. Moving the vertical arrow to the right/left changes the width of the code and output blocks

  2. Moving the horizontal arrow up/down changes the height of the console

How to Input code in the Console?

  1. Open console

  2. Check Code block view > Write your code numbered text is displayed. Execute code button is disabledUntitled design (71)

  3. Input code > The code is displayed numbered. The Execute Code button is enabled and has started to appear in a green vertical line. Copy button and 3 dots buttons are displayed on hover in the upper right corner of the block Untitled design (72)

  4. Click to Copy code (Copy button on the right side)

  5. Input it in another console block or in the cell in the Editor

  6. Click on 3 dots > Clear code button displayedUntitled design (73)

  7. Press on it > The code is removed. The Execute code button is disabled and stopped to appear in a green vertical line. Copy button and 3 dots buttons are disappeared

How to Execute code in the console and display the output?

  1. Input code Untitled design (75)

  2. Execute code > A toast message "This cell has been successfully validated" is displayed. The output is displayed. 3 dots button started to display on hover in the output

  3. Click on the 3 dots button > Clear output button displayed

  4. Press on it > Output is removed

How to use Multiple consoles?

  1. Open console Untitled design (76)

  2. Click on the down arrow > The consoles sidebar is displayed. Down arrow changed to up arrow. Console-1 is displayed in the list (currently opened)

  3. Click "+" icon > Console-2 is displayed in the list

  4. Add more consoles

  5. Scroll down the list > The console list is displayed

  6. Click on the trash icon to remove console > Console is removed from the list

  7. Click the up arrow to close consoles sidebar > The console sidebar is collapsed. Up arrow changed to down arrow

Console availability

  1. Console is always available for instructor in activity editor for coding activities with any status
  2. Console is always available for instructor in activity submission editor for coding activities with any status
  3. Console is always available for students in activity submission editor for coding activities with any status