1. IllumiDesk Knowledge Base
  2. IllumiDesk for Administrators

Create User Groups

This guide will demonstrate how to group users based on their roles and how to assign permissions accordingly.

How to create user groups?


1. Click "Members" from the left sidebar 



2. Select the "Groups" tab



3. Click "Create Group"



4. Type a "Group name" in the text box


Create User Groups  - Step 4 (1)


5. Select a "Role" from the dropdown


Create User Groups  - Step 5


6. If you assign users to the "Instructor" role, you must select the applicable "Permissions" from the dropdown

  • Viewer: Can view activities, but can't comment, edit, or publish
  • Editing: Can comment on and edit activities, but can't publish
  • Publishing: Can comment on, edit, and publish activities 



7. "Add group members" by expanding the dropdown and clicking the checkbox next to the user(s) you want to add to the group 



8. Click "Create" 



9. You will receive the toast message, "Group was created successfully", and you can now view your group in the "Groups" tab