Formatting Blocks in the Activity Editor: Columns and Flipped Cards

Learn how to insert and customize Columns and Flipped Cards within the Activity Editor with this guide.

How to Insert and Customize Formatting Blocks?

1. Insert Columns

  • Click the "+" button in the Activity Editor's sidebar



  • Drag and drop the "Columns" block into the activity



  • The columns will then populate in the activity



  • Click the "+" button to add additional columns



  • Click the trash can icon to remove a column



  • Add content by typing directly in the column



  • You can also add content by dragging and dropping blocks into the column directly
  • For example, "Request AI to write" 


Formatting Blocks in the Activity Editor_ Columns and Flipped Cards - Step 8
  • The generated content will display in the column as seen below 



  • Insert an "Image" block to the column



  • The image will appear in the column as seen below



2. Insert Flipped Cards

  • Click the "+" button in the Activity Editor's sidebar



  • Drag and drop the "Flipped Cards" block 



  • The cards will then appear in the activity 



  • Add content by typing directly in the card



  • Click the arrow icon to flip the card over 
  • Add content to the reverse side 



  • Remove the card's content by clicking "Clear"



  • Create additional cards by clicking "+Add More"



  • Add content, like an image for example, by inserting the "Image" block directly into the card