Inviting Students and Instructors in the People Section

The purpose of this article is to provide information about inviting people to a specific course.

Invite People on Illumidesk

1. Go to the Course Lessons page.

2. Navigate to the "People" section located in the left side navigation menu.



3. Choose "Invite People" from the options available in the section or at the top right corner of the screen.




5. Assign the user's role by choosing from the options available in the "Choose Role" dropdown menu.



6. Enter the participants' email address here.



7. To import a large list of emails, you can choose the option "Import from CSV". This allows you to easily upload and invite multiple participants at once.



8. Select the desired Permissions for the user by choosing from options such as "Viewer", "Editing", or "Publishing".



9. Select "Close" to exit the Participants Details section.



10. After selecting the emails and roles, simply click on the "Send Invite" button to send out the invitations.



11. A toast message is displayed saying "Invitations were sent successfully".



12. The invitation now appears in the "Invitations" tab.



13. You can see all the Instructors, Students, and Invitations in the "People" section.