Profile Settings

The purpose of this article is to help users manage their profile

How to Edit Account Details?

  1. Click on the User profile icon in the upper right corner.Untitled design (6)
  2. Profile settings.Untitled design (7)-1
  3. Edit First name / Last name.
    1. Click the “Update” button.

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  4. The toast message “You successfully updated your profile” is displayed

How to Sign out?

  1. Click on the User profile icon in the upper right corner.
  2. Click the “Sign out” button.Untitled design (9)-4

How to change the password?

  1. Click on the User profile icon in the upper right corner.

    1. Profile settings.

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    1. Change password.Untitled design (11)-1

    2. Enter “New Password” and “Confirm Password”.

    3. Click the “Update” button.

    4. The toast message “You successfully updated your password” is displayed.

How to enable/disable notifications?

  1. Click on the User profile icon in the upper right corner.

  2. Profile settings.

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  3. Turn the slider on/off.Untitled design (12)-1Untitled design (14)-1

    1. Click the “Reset” button (default state) or the “Save Changes” button.

  4. The toast message “Notification settings were updated your password” is displayed.

How to change time zone?

The system to automatically detects time zone using browser settings.

  1. Open profile settings.

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  2. Uncheck "Set time zone automatically" check box.Untitled design (15)-1

  3. Select custom time zone. Untitled design (16)-1
  4. Click or the “Save Changes” button.

  5. The toast message “You successfully changed your time zone” is displayed. Time zone is changed. All time-related information, such as activity due dates, is be displayed in  chosen timezone.

How do I delete an account?

  1. Click on the user profile icon in the upper right corner.

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  2. Profile settings.

  3. Click the “Delete account” button.Untitled design (17)-1

  4. The “Delete account” modal is displayed.Untitled design (17)-2

  5. Enter your email address.

  6. Click the “Delete” button.

  7. The User is logged out.