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  2. Tutorials and Guides for Students

Accessing and Completing an Activity

This tutorial is to guide the user in accessing and completing a course

Accessing an Activity in IllumiDesk

  • Login to the IllumiDesk platform.
  • If you are invited to a course, enrolling in the course will redirect you to the course. Please see the Joining a course as a learner section.
  • When a new activity is published, the student will receive an email notifying them of the newly published course. Assuming they are logged in, the learner can click Open which will redirect them to the activity.
  • If the Learner has already joined the course, they can log in and navigate to the course and select the activity  they would like to complete.
  • Once the Learner selects an activity, they can complete the activity. 
    • The student is allowed to run code blocks
    • Validate code blocks by running validate all
    • Submit the activity 

Access an Activity from Canvas

To access the activity  via campus, it is assumed that the Student has access to the Canvas course. If you do not have access to the Canvas course, please contact your administrator.

There are two options for accessing an activity  in Canvas

Activities Option in Course Side Navigation Menu

  • Navigate to Course->Assignment
  • Select the assignment to launch
  • The Assignment will redirect to the interactive activity in IllumiDesk

IllumiDesk Option in Course Side Navigation Menu

  • Navigate to Course
  • Click the IllumiDesk option in the course side navigation menu
  • This will launch the course view which will show the Student a list of activities in IllumiDesk
  • The student can select the activity they would like to access and complete the activity

Completing the Activity in IllumiDesk

  • Upon submitting the activity, the student will see a needs manual grading status
  • The instructor will grade the activity and submit feedback to the Student
  • The activity is set to be completed once the instructor submits feedback to the student
  • The student will now be able to view their final grade for the activity and the feedback provided by the instructor
  • Prior to submitting the activity, the instructor can also allow for an activity to be resubmitted. The student will be able to view initial comments from the instructor and be able to resubmit the activity for grading 

Completing the Assignment in Canvas

  • Once the Instructor has completed grading an assignment, they will likely have synced grades in Canvas. 
  • The student can view their grade in Canvas by navigating to Course->Grades